Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Update Dec. 30 -2009 Pro's Or Con's "The Diet Solution Program-Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Who is Isabel De Los Rios?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

Isabel De Los Rios may not be a wildly famous name yet, but I would bet a significant chunk of change that she's going to be. In fact, Isabel is already a well respected speaker and owns her own wellness practice. If you don't know who Isabel De Los Rios is, I think that you should because her new ebook, the Diet Solution Program, is one of the most interesting and eye-opening nutrition books I have read in quite a while.

The Diet Solution Program is the culmination of years of research and "in the trenches" hands on experience which Isabel has in the nutrition and health industry. What is important about this book is that it goes into great detail and describes the true nature of many of the foods that we eat on a regular basis and exposes the truth about many of them.

And the truth may surprise you as it had me. Some foods which are considered healthy like soy are, according to Isabel's book, far from being all that good. And there are other examples which I won't go into here for lack of space.

The Diet Solution Program attempts to educate people about the right way for them to eat according to their own metabolic makeup. Each of us is genetically different from the next, and so it's ridiculous to try and force all of us into some preconceived eating plan. We all need different amount of macro-nutrients like carbs, fats, and so on. We all need all of them to some degree, but how much we need varies, and the Diet Solution program shows us how to arrive at the right amount for us.

The Diet Solution Program is more than a weight loss book, though it can prove highly effective as one. It's a comprehensive and encompassing healthy lifestyle volume of information which can help you alleviate or avoid any of the common diseases which plague so many people like high blood pressure and diabetes. I believe it's a must read book for any health lover.

To read how you can start to lose weight fast and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Diet Solution Program Reviews

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Isabel De Los Rios, what's her life story?

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Metabolic Typing Diet Review
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

Why do some people gain weight faster than others? Why do some diet plans work for one person and fail to help the next?

These are all questions which scientists and doctors are desperate to answer. One possible solution is what is known as Metabolic Typing, dividing people into groups of metabolic types, each with its own specific dietary needs and requirements.

The Metabolic Typing Diet is basically the realization that people are not the same when it comes to weight loss and nutrition. While we usually deal with each food specifically, thinking if it's fattening or not, healthy or not, the supporters of metabolic typing believe that this is not necessarily a correct outlook.

You should first look at the person and only later match this person with the food that's right for him or her. By doing so, you can achieve a much faster weight loss and increase the wellbeing of that person.

There are various programs and books that make use of metabolic typing, each with its own twists and perspectives. Some divide people into 3 groups: the protein type, the carb type, and the mixed type. Others do so by body shape: pear, apple, and so on. Others divide people into a different number of groups. Each researcher, author, or expert has his or her own special version of this concept.

However, despite these variations, the truth is that this is practically the same concept. The key is that to achieve a long term weight loss, you need to figure out what nutrition plan and foods are right for you. Then, you actually follow your own personalized diet plan, making it much more likely that you'll succeed to lose weight and keeping it off.

This concept is certainly a hopeful one for people who just can't seem to lose weight with any diet plan. It may be that you require a different kind of plan to fit your own type. Indeed, there are a lot of positive testimonials and reviews from people who've used one metabolism typing program or another and had excellent results.

One of the most popular online programs in the world today, the Diet Solution program, is largely based on this concept. And there is also the Metabolic Typing Diet book by William Linz Wolcott and Trish Fahey that covers this concept from a different angle.

I believe that this is a concept we're going to hear and read more about in the near future. If you find weight loss a challenge, this concept is worth exploring.

For more on the diet solution program, click here: Diet Solution Program Review

To read more about this diet method, click here: Metabolic Typing Diet Overview

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

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Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Update Dec. 18 -2009 Pro's Or Con's "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

The Diet Solution Program - A Glycemic Index Diet Plan?
By Jim C Green

In this article we review one of the best current low GI diet plans today: the popular Diet Solution Program (DSP). DSP is glowingly referred to as: "one of the most comprehensive books I've ever read and the closest thing to a nutrition bible which I've encountered," by weight loss expert John Davenport. We discuss differences with and similarities to widespread metabolic glycemic index (GI) diet plans. Due to the current obesity epidemic, these plans are becoming increasingly popular.

Isabel De Los Rios is creator of the Diet Solution Program. She has an academic degree in Exercise Physiology. Isabel is a well-known speaker on issues of nutrition and health. Her writing has been featured in numerous publications, and she manages her own health and wellness clinic in New Jersey.

As a weight loss coach, and having experienced huge victory with glycemic index diets, I'm regularly asked my opinion about other popular diets for contrast. In my own case, I've lost 35 pounds using a low GI diet plan and both identify with and am glad about the science behind this tactic.

Of these, we are most familiar with the Healthy for Life Program, pioneered by Dr. Ray Strand. Healthy for Life has been "field tested," with documented outcomes, under the rules of the Western Review Board of the FDA. Due to proven scientific results, Healthy for Life may be viewed as a benchmark.

DSP recognizes the fact that foods that abruptly "metabolize" into sugar are to be avoided. The DSP methodology is identical to low glycemic diet plans, including recommendations of certain foods to stay away from vs. those to prefer. This is identical to Healthy for Life and other glycemic index diet plans. For instance, the counsel in Jorge Cruise's "Belly Fat Cure" is also similar to DSP. The Belly Fat Cure teaches that the kind of calories are much more important that the amount eaten.

DSP incorporates comparable guidance for healthy vs. unhealthy fats and advice on which processed foodstuffs to stay away from for best results. And, DSP uses the same calorie counting advice, often heard in most glycemic index diet plans, which is: "You don't need to count calories."

All in all, the Diet Solution Program uses a similar strategy to what we've been aware of in quite a lot of other glycemic index diet plans. They seem to have recognized the benefits for their methodology, based on experience vs. science. This is of little import, however, since outcomes are what matter. Finally, DSP goes beyond common glycemic index diet plans, by using metabolic typing to provide specific individualized recommendations. This makes DSP different from otherwise similar glycemic index diet plans, because of the fact that it features an tailored approach.

We conclude that DSP is very similar to other low glycemic diets but incorporates added features that may appeal to some. We invite you to bookmark this page and provide feedback or comments, whether you decide to try the DSP or you have experience with other similar plans.

Jim Green is an author who advises on healthy living ideas and selecting the best glycemic index diet plan for you, which may very well be the Diet Solution Program according to what we have seen.

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Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Diet Solutions Program - A Key to Successful Healthy Living

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Update Dec. 05 -2009 Pro Or Con "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Isabel De Los Rios' Diet Solution Program Review
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Diet Solution program is a 180 pages ebook written by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios. The basic premise of the book is that maintaining a healthy nutrition which leads to increased health and weight loss doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, a subject which Isabel De Los Rios explains in the book.

What is important about the Diet Solution Program is that it dispels many nutrition related myths and exposes the truth about food items which are considered healthy but in reality may cause you harm. For instance, there's a chapter about soy and another on artificial sweeteners which may shock you and cause you to alter your eating habits drastically.

And that's what it's all really: changing your eating habits to create a healthy environment for your body to live on. The food that we eat determines how well our body functions and what our health will be years from now. Unless we learn to live and eat sensibly, there's little chance for any diet plan to succeed. And I believe that Isabel De Los Rios does a good job in laying out what we all need to do.

The Diet Solution program is a comprehensive book but it's also an easy book to read as the chapters are really short and you can start implementing what you learn easily. The good news is that there are a lot of healthy food choices we can make which are affordable and easy to acquire or simple to make. The bad news is that most of us have a lot of misconceptions about what we eat and we may cause ourselves to become sick and fat.

If you're struggling to lose weight, fighting diabetes, high blood pressure, or other ailments, I recommend giving the Diet Solution Program a read. It may help you improve your health.

To read how you can start to lose weight fast and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Diet Solution Program Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Isabel De Los Rios, what's her life story?

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Review of the Diet Solution Program - Get an Honest Review of the Diet Solution Program
By Tyler Samuelson Platinum Quality Author

In this review of the Diet Solution program by Isabel De Los Rios, I'll talk about the different aspects of the program that make it work. In addition, I'll also mention some possible alternatives to this diet that have been proven to work.

- Isabel De Los Rios, the author of the diet is a great person with a storied background. She had extensive weight problems which gave her motivation to find foods that would really help burn fat and increase people's metabolism.

Her background also includes her mom, who suffers with diabetes problems. She has spent over ten years researching and trying different diets to come up with her present formula in this review of the Diet Solution program.

So to start with, she has legitimate motivation that isn't only monetary oriented, which is a breath of fresh air in this review of the Diet Solution program. Too many times we see scam diets where the only motivation is to obviously make a quick buck on the internet.

- Her diet is an "educational" diet. In this review of the Diet Solution program I need to mention that she reveals super foods, which have been mis-categorized by many so call called nutritional experts.

In addition, she reveals foods that you may be eating because you "think" they are healthy, but in reality they could be causing you harm and adding unnecessary fat to your body.

There have been many diets that take this "educational" approach and reveal new and exciting meal plans, but I gotta mention in this review of the Diet Solution program that she has some real gems in her diet.

What about some other good diets?

Is the Diet Solution Really your Best Diet out There?

Although I recommend her program in this review of the Diet Solution program there are other quality diets out there.

On in particular diet is a calorie shifting diet, which achieves faster results without endangering your natural body chemistry. This is the most popular calorie shifting diet on the market and it's been popular with a diverse population all over the world.

You might look below after reading this review of the Diet Solution program and check out the top calorie shifting diet, which I think is much better all the way around for fast and consistent results.

Get Your Calorie Shifting Diet Meal Plan Here and Lose 9 Pounds in 11 Days.

Obliterate Your Fat Here.

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Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Update Nov. 22-2009 Pro Or Con "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Ab Circle Pro and the Diet Solution Program - A Good Combination?
By John Davenport

The Ab Circle Pro is, in all likelihood, one of the best selling fitness machines of all times. And why wouldn't it be? It is marketed as a solution to one of the most basic desires of men and women worldwide: to lose belly fat and get flat abs. In addition, it looks like an interesting exercise concept and fun to use.

But one of the things which people are concerned about is that while the Ab Circle may help you workout better, it doesn't really deal with the other aspect of fat loss: your nutrition.

Yes, there is a short, 39 pages nutrition report which comes with the Ab Circle, but it is not the most advanced manual in the world. What can you do if you want to make sure your nutrition is top notch? You need a more comprehensive nutrition manual.

One way is to use the Ab Circle Pro and the Diet Solution Program together.

The Diet Solution Program is an online nutrition program created by Isabel De Los Rios, a noted nutritionist. This 180 pages or so manual covers nutrition inside and out and actually helps you create your own eating plan for your particular diet type. This can be powerful stuff indeed.

The Diet Solution Program is the sort of book that, once you're reading it, you'll be amazed at how many nutritional myths it exposes. A lot of the food you thought of as healthy will not seem so great anymore.

Using these 2 products together, increases, in my opinion your chances of getting fast results because they cover both aspects of the fat loss process much better. I believe that the Ab Circle Pro and the diet solution program are a good combination. Naturally, you won't get results overnight, but they should be much better.

Visit Ab Circle Reviews to read more about this fitness machine.

To learn more about Isabel De Los Rios's program go to Diet Solution Program

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds is a health and fitness author.

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Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Is the Diet Solution Program Just Another Diet Manual

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Update Nov. 10 -2009 Pro Or Con "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

The Diet Solution Program Review - How Does This Diet Program With Food Work?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Update Oct. 28 -2009 Pro Or Con "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

The Diet Solution Program Review - How Does This Diet Program With Food Work?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Update Oct. 16 -2009 Pro Or Con "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Review of the Diet Solution Program

By Patrice Evans

This is an honest review of The Diet Solution Program from someone who has actually used the program. The Diet Solution Program offers an easy to follow step by step weight loss program which includes recipes, shopping lists, and numerous daily meal plans.

This is a program that you can actually use for life. It shows you how to incorporate this healthy method of eating into your lifestyle so you will maintain the weight for life. I lost body fat very quickly; cellulite was noticeably reduced; I had more energy and looked and felt healthier. Three exercise routines are included in this program if you want to use them.

Isabel De Los Rios has developed this program. She has been a nutritional and fitness specialist for ten years and developed the Diet Solution Program in order to help her mother with her severe diabetes and weight problems. This program is the result of fifteen years of research. Isabel works in her own facility helping hundreds of people with her weight loss program. The Diet Solution Program has been shown to decrease blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, improve digestive issues, increase energy and improve skin conditions.

This program incorporates metabolism enhancing foods and eliminates metabolism suppressing foods. You will be shown the correct portions of foods to eat (more than I am used to). This method will start the fat burning process immediately.

This program is the best way to lose weight fast that I have ever used. I have committed to this new way of eating and have not looked or felt this good in a long time. You should try it for yourself. It is guaranteed to work as well for you.

After reviewing The Diet Solution Program, I am very happy to give it a five star rating. For me, the most important factors in a weight loss program is that it is healthy, that I feel good, and that it makes me look good in my bathing suit. This program accomplishes every one of these. Review The Diet Solution Program for yourself and start melting that fat away!

Author Patrice Evans

If you'd like to stop your yo-yo dieting, stop eating those terrible boxed diet foods, stop counting calories and points and especially stop starving yourself - Click Here for a program that will completely transform your life starting today!

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Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Diet Solution Program Review - Eating Your Way to a Slimmer You
By JT Philips

Like myself, many people need to lose weight. While I am not what is classified as morbidly obese, I weigh more than is medically recommended. There are many people who have a real problem with weight, and there are those with significant health concerns as well. For those people that have struggled with weight and are facing serious health issues if they cannot lose weight, diets can be very frustrating. They are frustrating because a person can spend a lot of money on any number of diets and still not lose the weight they want or need to lose. For those that have had enough of these very expensive and ineffective diets there is reason for hope, and that hope is the "Diet Solution Program" developed by Isabel De Los Rios.

She developed this program to help you to lose ten percent of your unwanted body fat in as little as thirty days, and another fifteen percent in sixty days. Her motivation behind this was her own weight problem. She was overweight and unable to lose the weight through the normal diets. This was done not with some miraculous supplement that apparently no one but some amazing and apparently omnipotent company has ever discovered and sounds to good to be true, and it is not done by starving yourself on tasteless boring foods but rather it is done with normal foods that everyone eats. However, by unlocking the secrets of proper nutrition, the diet solution program will allow you lose weight normally and naturally, and the best part is that you will never feel hungry.

She provides a detailed plan that has allowed many to lose the weight they have so long unsuccessfully tried to lose. The plan includes a list of foods that she developed over a ten year period that will increase your body's fat burning ability and increase your body's metabolism.

The reason why you will never feel as if you have not eaten or you will never feel famished after a meal is that on the diet solution program you will actually eat much more than any other diet plan. The key is not the amount of food you eat so much as it is the proper nutrition of eating the right kinds of foods. This will allow you to eat more and avoid being hungry. Not only is the meal plan satisfying, your body will also enjoy getting the right amount of vitamins and nutrients. However, the real key with this plan is that with this diet it will allow your metabolism to rise and this is the key in losing all of that body fat. With a higher metabolism, a person can burn fat whether they are active or not. So if you fear exercising or you have a preexisting condition that makes exercising either difficult or dangerous, you can still experience weight loss with this plan.

This program also provides you with detailed menus and recipes. I have found that by changing my eating habits I have lost weight. This plan is rooted in common sense. Eating well is good for you, but with so many crazy diet plans it is hard to know exactly which way is the right way to eat. This program brings some sanity to the way a person should eat in order to lose weight, and for people who need to lose weight, it is a breath of fresh air.

Find your perfect successful weight loss plan at

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Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

The Diet Solution Review - Is This Another Diet Program Scam?
By Kayla Kuba Platinum Quality Author

With so many weight and fat loss programs being sold everywhere, how do you know which is the right one for you? Quite frankly, most diet programs that I have tried are completely useless and are only created to make money for the commercial companies. The Diet Solution is a new program that promises to help you achieve your weight loss goals, but I was really skeptical about it when I first saw it.

1. Who Is Isabel De Los Rios? Can You Listen To This Person?

After digging further for more information about the creator of this program, I have found out that Isabel De Los Rios is a certified exercise and nutrition specialist with 10 years of experience in helping clients get rid of obesity problems and reach their desired weight levels. She has had to deal with obesity problems herself in the past, but she has overcome it and has now created the Diet Solution program based on her 15 years of research and methods.

2. What Is The Diet Solution Like?

This program is a step-by-step system that uses the concepts that Isabel has compiled in her years of studies. You will not find a whole list of theories about the human body and nutrition inside this guide. What you will find is an action plan that I have personally applied consistently over weeks to finally shed off the ugly fats on my body.

3. My Experience and Thoughts After Using The Diet Solution

I am glad that this program is not some sort of crash diet that has always failed whenever I used them. Instead, it teaches you a way of eating and living your life that will gradually but permanently help you lose the unwanted fats on your body. There is nothing extreme or difficult about the methods inside The Diet Solution. All that is required is persistence in applying the steps, and you should expect to see results within a few weeks after using it.

Is The Diet Solution program a scam? Visit to read a FREE report about this fitness program!

Recommended Reading
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Update Oct. 03 -2009 Pro Or Con "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Program
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Diet Solution Program Review
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Diet Solution Program is a nutritional weight loss and health ebook created by Isabel De Los Rios, a noted nutritionist. This is a lengthy manual which covers various dietary guidelines all intent on making sure you eat right for your metabolic type.

This is truly the essence of the Diet Solution Program. When you begin reading it, Isabel De Los Rios helps you determine your metabolic type. She believes this is crucial for your weight loss success or you will never be able to choose the right foods to eat in order to lose weight.

You see, what Isabel De Los Rios teaches is that there is no one-kind-fits-all weight loss solution. You need to be able to find the right combination of food for you.

So, the first benefit which you can get from the Diet Solution Program is to discover you metabolic type.

But the rest of the ebook is also fascinating and may be a little daunting at first, because Isabel De Los Rios exposes a lot of nutritional myths which people believe and live by. You would not believe how many so-called "health" foods are really bad for you. How many "diet" foods are actually potentially fattening. I know that I learned a lot from this ebook when I first read it and it really made me think hard about my eating habits.

You see, you can't outtrain a bad diet. No matter how hard you try, as long as you're not eating right, trying to lose fat will be like rowing up stream. It's going be a hard long process if you succeed at all. This is what the Diet Solution Program can help you make sure of: having the right eating plan to lose fat sensibly, without starving yourself or ruining your health.

This ebook is more than a weight loss manual, it's a health manual. You will find how to eat right to be healthy. This is actually even more important than losing weight. Food is what fuels our body. It needs to be the right kind of fuel for a long and healthy life.

Visit Diet Solution Program Reviews to read more about this program.

Visit Isabel De Los Rios Interview to read an interview I did with Isabel De Los Rios.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source:

Recommended Program
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

The Diet Solution Program Review - The Truth Behind the Online Diet
Rick L. Davies

The Diet Solution Program is a comprehensive dieting program which isn't based on a specific diet plan. It is personalized for each person based on his or her metabolic type. The course provides a step-by-step instruction manual and self-help guide covering all aspects of a successful and permanent weight loss plan.

The diet was designed by Isabel De Los Trios, an experienced and certified nutritionist and exercise specialist. Isabel has a very extensive educational background in nutrition and exercise physiology. Running her own health and wellness clinic in New Jersey, she is also a respected author whose work has been featured in numerous publications. Her personal experience with her own weight struggles and her mother's severe diabetes led her to search for and review the best nutrition information available today. The Diet Solution Program is the result of her 15-year study and research.

The ebook's180 pages are written in an easy to follow and implement manner. The emphasis is on taking action, with a list of action steps in each chapter which you can start taking immediately. The website claims it is the most comprehensive and detailed nutrition manual available on the market today. Not only does it teach you exactly what principles you need to follow to finally reach your ideal weight, it also gives you the meal plans, shopping lists and recipes to do so.

The diet works by controlling insulin levels to lose weight. Ups and downs in levels of blood sugar and insulin cause more and more weight gain. Through research, initially for diabetics, it was discovered exactly which foods and which food combinations cause instant weight loss and those which cause instant weight gain. The diet states that once you learn exactly how to get yourself off this blood sugar rollercoaster, weight loss is simple.

Some of the benefits of decreasing blood sugar levels include lowered cholesterol, increased energy, elimination of digestive discomfort, cleared skin conditions and increased health and vitality.

The Quick Start Guide summarizes all the principles in The Diet Solution Program. It can be read start to finish in less than 15 minutes so readers can get started on your new plan right away.

This is a diet that is clearly meant to be easy to follow. Detailed daily meal plans are included. It provides a complete and detailed shopping list telling you exactly what to buy and where to find it. There are plenty of delicious and quick recipes included in your plan and specific serving sizes already calculated for you.

The ebook covers many aspects of dieting and debunks many old myths. The various chapters in The Diet Solution Program review and explain issues such as organic food, dairy products, artificial sweeteners, why calorie counting is unnecessary to lose weight. The package comes with 3 additional bonus ebooks on exercise, "Insider Secrets for the Ultimate Fat Burning Workout", "Fit Yummy Mummy Fit-Fast 4-Week Workout", "Turbulence Training for Amazing Abs".

This is one of most comprehensive and informative diet programs available and was described as "the nearest thing to a nutrition bible" by one user. Above all this, it is intended to be a diet long term. The Diet Solution Program is ideal for people who have struggled with their weight their whole life and are sick and tired of programs that just don't work long term.

For a full The Diet Solution Program review including user feedback and complete product details on versions, price etc, please go to

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Recommended Program
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Is the Diet Solution Program a Scam?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Diet Solution Program is a nutrition ebook written by Isabel De Los Rios. In this book Isabel De Los Rios attempts to lay out her guidelines for a healthy eating lifestyle depending on your own genetic makeup and metabolic type. But is the Diet Solution Program a Scam or does it actually work?

The question is easy to understand as there are a lot of scams in the weight loss industry, but in this case you can rest assured that this program is the real deal. In fact, this is a book which has received the endorsement of multiple fitness and nutrition experts as one of the best and most accurate nutrition manuals there is. It is comprehensive, well written, complete, and full of tips which will open a whole new way of thinking for you regarding the way you eat and how you live.

The best thing about the Diet Solution program is that Isabel De Los Rios shows you how to determine your specific metabolic type and then helps you establish the best eating plan for it. This is powerful since it allows you to work with your genetic makeup rather than fight with it. It is something which many people will find useful.

I believe that even if you don't need to lose weight, that the Diet Solution Program is a must have book in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid gaining weight, losing it when you need to, and feel better physically overall.

In it you will discover so many useful things about the way you should eat that you will benefit from it for years to come. I highly recommend it.

To read more about this program, visit this webpage:
Diet Solution Program Review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast

Recommended Program
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Update Sept. 19 -2009 Pro Or Con "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Program
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Check Out the List of Fat Loss Program Before Getting in the Black List of Girls
By Christopher Patterson Platinum Quality Author

When it comes to losing weight, everyone seems interested; after all, everyone wants to look like Brad Pitt or Angelina. But, when it comes to doing some strenuous exercises, most people tend to chicken out. It is a dirty little secret of these programs that they are so hard to follow that many people often bag the idea of shedding some pounds. That is why there are still obese people in the world around you.

However, there are some amazing programs for those who don't want to go through the hassle of doing some really laborious exercises or eating nothing but veggies. You need to find some of those amazing programs for better effects, and if you don't know a lot about these kinds of programs, here is a simple list for you.

• Fat Loss 4 Idiots

• Strip that Fat

• Truth about Abs

• Turbulence Training

• The Diet Solution

Although there are many other amazing programs, you can always get desired results by choosing one of these listed programs. If you are looking for a program to get better abs, you should never miss a chance to avail yourself of Truth about Abs. This is simply superb and tells you the truth about using different exercises to reduce weight while gaining great Abs.

Similarly, other programs have their own merits, and the biggest of them is that these are not really hard to follow. That's the reason why you should choose one specific program according to your needs, as this is the only option for you life a 'fat-free' life.

Strip that Fat, Turbulence Training, Truth about Abs, etc are few popular programs, but you need to read reviews before choosing any one of these and that's when you can go to Fat loss consumer report . So, check it out, now

Recommended Program
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Who is Isabel De Los Rios?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

Isabel De Los Rios may not be a wildly famous name yet, but I would bet a significant chunk of change that she's going to be. In fact, Isabel is already a well respected speaker and owns her own wellness practice. If you don't know who Isabel De Los Rios is, I think that you should because her new ebook, the Diet Solution Program, is one of the most interesting and eye-opening nutrition books I have read in quite a while.

The Diet Solution Program is the culmination of years of research and "in the trenches" hands on experience which Isabel has in the nutrition and health industry. What is important about this book is that it goes into great detail and describes the true nature of many of the foods that we eat on a regular basis and exposes the truth about many of them.

And the truth may surprise you as it had me. Some foods which are considered healthy like soy are, according to Isabel's book, far from being all that good. And there are other examples which I won't go into here for lack of space.

The Diet Solution Program attempts to educate people about the right way for them to eat according to their own metabolic makeup. Each of us is genetically different from the next, and so it's ridiculous to try and force all of us into some preconceived eating plan. We all need different amount of macro-nutrients like carbs, fats, and so on. We all need all of them to some degree, but how much we need varies, and the Diet Solution program shows us how to arrive at the right amount for us.

The Diet Solution Program is more than a weight loss book, though it can prove highly effective as one. It's a comprehensive and encompassing healthy lifestyle volume of information which can help you alleviate or avoid any of the common diseases which plague so many people like high blood pressure and diabetes. I believe it's a must read book for any health lover.

To read how you can start to lose weight fast and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Diet Solution Program Reviews

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Isabel De Los Rios, what's her life story?

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Recommended Program
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

The Diet Solution Program - A Candid Review
By Donald James

Let's face it - anyone who has tried to diet has probably gone through the pain and suffering of starving themselves for a while only to lose momentum due to a family event, vacation, sickness or just plain hunger!

Dieting in this day and age is not an easy lifestyle to maintain. Add to that all of the new fad diets that try to reduce or remove one of the primary food composition groups - carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. Although these diets can reduce weight, your body's metabolism and nutrition are disrupted leading to fatigue, stress and hunger.

However, it is truly refreshing when someone comes along with with diet plan that focuses on an easier lifestyle change with the added benefit of nutritional value. Isabel De Los Rios has done just that!

In her new dieting book, The Diet Solution Program, she has brought together the best of her background in physiology and sport nutrition with a focus on natural metabolism to create a workable weight-loss guide that really makes sense.

Her basic dieting concept is that with the right foods, you can eat sizable quantities and lose weight at the same time. Most dieters decrease their food intake so much when they want to lose weight that they do lose some pounds, then quickly plateau. At that point, they have no recourse but to eat even less food, which triggers starvation mode and makes losing weight and feeling good difficult, if not impossible.

Don't be fooled by this ebook - Isabel De Los Rios packs a ton of information in a full 180 pages of background, inspiration, food & nutrition information - as well as menus, charts and journal templates. This is a complete guide that changes your thinking about food, metabolism and the simple preparation steps you need to lose weight naturally.

Her book is divided up into three major sections:

Part 1 - Focuses on a personal program for success describing the three steps to weight loss, metabolic typing, and how to plan your meals in order to get the best results for your own diet type.

Part 2 - Specifically dives into very detailed information on good vs. bad foods - what to eat and what to avoid. Plus, immediate action steps to remove or change your household habits. Packed with over 50 recipes in 61 pages using all of the requirements and recommendations for good food in your diet.

Part 3 - Contains all the tools to measure your metabolic typing, Dietary charts (such as glycemic index, food portions) and data, meal journal templates, as well as full day-by-day example of menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

My only criticism of this guide is really just a nit - that is, as much as I know the author wants to promote good nutrition, there really isn't any section devoted to choices you can make while at work or on the road with options such as fast food, or less expensive non-organic markets, etc. Many of us have very busy lives and can't get organic food all the time or plan out our lunches at work. It would have been nice to see a section of some options for those on the run but that's really something you can develop on your own using this guide.

Nevertheless, all in all this is a highly recommended dieting guide - it focuses on proper health, nutrition and balanced foods to lose weight naturally. As always, no diet is guaranteed and it is up to you to keep on track to get the benefits.

Donald James is a nutrition author who recently interviewed Isabel De Los Rios, a nutrition, exercise and lifestyle coach. She is the author of The Diet Solution Program, a complete and comprehensive nutrition program that is helping people all over the world finally reach their ideal weight. To learn more about natural weight loss and Isabel's fascinating interview, visit Natural Weight Loss with The Diet Solution Program

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Update Sept. 06 -2009 Pro Or Con "The Diet Solution Program" By Health Expert

The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.

Recommended Program
The Diet Solution Program
Not Only Remove Body Fat, But Guarantees
Increased Energy, Health And Vitality

Isabel De Los Rios' Diet Solution Program Review
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

The Diet Solution program is a 180 pages ebook written by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios. The basic premise of the book is that maintaining a healthy nutrition which leads to increased health and weight loss doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, a subject which Isabel De Los Rios explains in the book.

What is important about the Diet Solution Program is that it dispels many nutrition related myths and exposes the truth about food items which are considered healthy but in reality may cause you harm. For instance, there's a chapter about soy and another on artificial sweeteners which may shock you and cause you to alter your eating habits drastically.

And that's what it's all really: changing your eating habits to create a healthy environment for your body to live on. The food that we eat determines how well our body functions and what our health will be years from now. Unless we learn to live and eat sensibly, there's little chance for any diet plan to succeed. And I believe that Isabel De Los Rios does a good job in laying out what we all need to do.

The Diet Solution program is a comprehensive book but it's also an easy book to read as the chapters are really short and you can start implementing what you learn easily. The good news is that there are a lot of healthy food choices we can make which are affordable and easy to acquire or simple to make. The bad news is that most of us have a lot of misconceptions about what we eat and we may cause ourselves to become sick and fat.

If you're struggling to lose weight, fighting diabetes, high blood pressure, or other ailments, I recommend giving the Diet Solution Program a read. It may help you improve your health.

To read how you can start to lose weight fast and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Diet Solution Program Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Isabel De Los Rios, what's her life story?