The Diet Solution program is designed by nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios with the purpose how to maintain a healthy nutrition to you body that leads to increased health and weight loss and doesn't require any specific plan. In fact, you can create your own plan based on your own metabolic type, which is unique to you. We provide you with information of Pro or Con by health experts' opinions. it is up to you to decide. As always, p;ease consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to make a purchase.
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The Diet Solution Program - The Main Manual Review
By Eu Wern Teh
In this main manual, you will obtain the instructions and information you need to create your own meal plan. This manual is 100 pages long and consist of 16 short chapters. Do not expect to finish reading this manual in one sitting. If you are eager to get started, please read the Diet Solution Program Quick Start Guide. In the quick start guide, you will have a list of meal planned just for you to get started right away.
Chapter 1 prepares you the right mind set before you start the diet solution program. Every weight loss begins with a right mind set. Without the right mind set, you will definitely fail in your attempt to lose weight. This chapter will help you to create a strong, positive foundation that will help you to achieve your weight loss and health goal.
Chapter 2 to 5 explain how to prepare your own meal plan. Chapter 2 gives you an overview on the program and by implementing 3 simple steps you could fulfill your weight loss and health goals. This chapter gives you all the tools you need to achieve the long term result you desire. Chapter 3 explains each metabolic type (Protein, Carb and Mixed) in greater depth. It further tells you what are the needs and what are the "must dos" for each metabolic type. Chapter 4 present you with surprising facts and information that you need to know about calories. It clarifies some misconceptions about what calories are and what calories do so you could make a healthy decision about how and what to eat. This chapter also review a simple method to estimate your calorie requirement to lose or maintain your weight. Chapter 5 talks about daily meal planning. You will learn how to create your own diet solution meal plan.
Chapter 6 to 15 discuss more about choosing the best food possible to maintain your health. These chapters will teach you how to choose the right foods that will best help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. Chapter 6 explains why organic foods are better for your health and why they should be a part of your healthy diet. Chapter 7 teaches you to recognize good fat and bad fat. This chapter tells you the misconception of fat in our society. Chapter 8 reviews some shocking facts about diary and further explain the changes in our dairy supply and the possible implications of conventional dairy consumption. Chapter 9 tells you the reasons of avoiding soy products. It further review facts about the danger of consuming them. Chapter 10 explains grains in a greater detail. After reading this chapter, you will know what type of grain will produce a spike in blood sugar level and hence making you impossible to lose weight. Chapter 11 reviews the misconceptions about salt and tells you what type of salt to use for consumption. Chapter 12 tells you about the amount of water you should drink to maintain your body function. It also tells you the importance of water in the weight loss afford. Chapter 13 reviews the facts and information about Sweeteners and why it is advisable not to use them. Chapter 14 talks about the consumption of alcohol and how it will impact your weight loss goal. Chapter 15 shows the guides and charts you need to prepare your personalized diet solution meal plan.
Chapter 16 reviews a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers. This list covers all questions from each and every chapters mentioned above. If you are interested in knowing how Isabel's gather such information you can dwell into her research and references from various studies and publications at the end of this manual.
Conclusion This concludes my review about the Diet Solution Program manual. To summarize everything, Chapter 1 prepares you with the right motivation to get started, chapter 2 to 5 teaches you the skills and techniques on how to create your meal plan. Chapter 6 to 15 tells you how to choose the best food possible for your diet and the last chapter consists of a list Frequently Asked Questions. This manual consists of many information and is not advisable to read it in one settings. You may have to re-read the manual a couple of time before digesting all the information. It is written in an easy to understand format and hence reading it would not be tedious.
Read more about reviews for other manuals such as the "Quick start guide", the "metabolic typing test", the Diet Solution Program Recipe guide and lots more here at [ ]
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